Consultancy in territorial
planning and development

Urban Law and Territorial Planning
 Indigenous peoples and traditional communities

Versão em português

Areas of expertise

Urban and Rural Development

- Evaluation and recommendations for local and regional policies
- Preparation of reports and articles on public management, urban policy, and territorial development
- Comparative studies of public policies and public governance
- Support for field research and interviews with key actors

Urban Law and Administrative Law

- Legal opinions in the fields of Urban Law and Administrative Law
- Preparation of Master Plan bills; land use, occupation and parceling laws; and sectoral plans for housing and urban mobility
- Assistance in the elaboration of Municipal Master Plans
- Socio-territorial diagnosis, mapping, technical workshops and public hearings
- Legal advice in processes of land regularization and tenure formalization

Land and Conflict

- Socio-territorial diagnosis of conflicts related to land occupation, conservation units, indigenous territories, quilombolas and agrarian reform settlements
- Evaluation and recommendation of land management and land use planning policies
- Legal consulting on indigenous peoples' rights and elaboration of protocols of prior consultation, according to Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization

Environmental and Social Framework

- Preparation of Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)
- Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
- Liaison with local teams, data collection and analysis, and field visits

About me

Bachelor in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Master's graduate in Urban Policy from Sciences Po - Paris (summa cum laude) and specialist in Administrative Law from the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP). PhD candidate at the Law School of the University of São Paulo. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/MG 192.676 and OAB/DF 66.358).

I have worked as an advisor in the Secretary of Urban Policy of the Municipality of Belo Horizonte and as a policy consultant at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). I have research experience in governance, public policy and local development in South America (Brazil, Chile and Colombia), North America (Canada, United States, Mexico), Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) and Europe (Germany, England, Portugal and Sweden). 

Fluent in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.



● Policy consultant at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in Paris (pictured) (2016/18)

● Legal advisor at the Secretary of Urban Policy of the Municipality of Belo Horizonte (2019/20)

● Lawyer specialised in administrative and urban law at the firm  Carneiros & Dipp Advogados Associados, in Brasília (2020/21)

● Visiting researcher at the Anthropology Department of Wayne State University, in Detroit, USA (2016)

● Project coordinator on the regeneration of historic city centres across five countries to the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (2015)

● Exchange student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (2012)


Análise da Jurisprudência do STJ sobre a Responsabilidade Municipal de Instalar Infraestrutura Básica em Loteamentos Ilegais do Solo

Revista Magister de Direito Ambiental e Urbanístico (2023) (A2)

De volta ao Estado: uma análise da antropologia da burocracia estatal

Direito Público 20(106) (2023) (A1)

Global Compendium of Land Value Capture Policies

OECD and Lincoln Institute for Land Policy (2022)

Rural Policy Review of Colombia

OECD (2022)

A Framework for Comparative Assessment of Indigenous Land Governance

Land (2022)

Linking Indigenous Communities with Regional Development

OECD (2019)

Indicators for Resilient Cities

OECD (2018)

OECD Territorial Reviews: Morelos, Mexico: Monitoring and Special Focus on Accessibility

OECD (2018)

Houseboat living on the Seine: lonely pénichards or strong communities?

Cities are back in town blog (2015)

Questões de Política e Questões de Princípio: Direito à Moradia e à Participação Popular na Política de Urbanização do Aglomerado de Serra

Nomos (2015)

A little more

I was born in Belo Horizonte, have lived in Brasilia and in Paris, and today I am based in João Pessoa.

I did research on land tenure in slums of Belo Horizonte and on the right to the city of a Kale (Roma) group in the same city. While writing about ethnic-racial relations and political ecology, I volunteered at an urban farm in Detroit. I have researched and visited Indigenous peoples in Sweden, Canada, Australia and Colombia.

I swim in the ocean, study Zen Buddhism, and I am learning Italian.


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Consultoria e advocacia
Consulting and legal services

Direito Urbanístico
Planejamento Territorial
Povos indígenas e comunidades tradicionais 

Urban Law
Territorial Planning
Indigenous peoples and traditional communities

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